Behind the Candelabra: Fabulous
118 min - Biography | Drama - 2013
I know its shouldn't come as such a surprise that HBO hits another home run, but they seem to have their shit together then most of TV (and as well as a few movie studios).
Brief History
At first Steven Soderbergh was having a hard time finding a studio who would back this film. Everyone's reasoning was that "it is too gay". Sadly that's the world we live in, lucky for us HBO threw its hat in and said we'll back it. First it was rumored to have Robin Williams set to play Liberace, then came Douglas. Soon after in 2008; filming was put on hold. In 2010 Michael Douglas began his treatment for throat cancer which put the film on hold.
118 min - Biography | Drama - 2013
I know its shouldn't come as such a surprise that HBO hits another home run, but they seem to have their shit together then most of TV (and as well as a few movie studios).
At first Steven Soderbergh was having a hard time finding a studio who would back this film. Everyone's reasoning was that "it is too gay". Sadly that's the world we live in, lucky for us HBO threw its hat in and said we'll back it. First it was rumored to have Robin Williams set to play Liberace, then came Douglas. Soon after in 2008; filming was put on hold. In 2010 Michael Douglas began his treatment for throat cancer which put the film on hold.
The Film
Casting is heavy on talent. With Michael Douglas as Liberace, Matt Damon and Scott Bakula join in. Also Rob Lowe, Dan Aykroyd and Debbie Reynolds who plays Liberace's Mother.
The acting is what stands out in this film. First off Matt Damon really holds his own opposite Douglas. Toward the end during his character (Liberace's lover Scott Thorson) downward spin, you really feel the power of anger and love his character had. My favourite part of his, is when he screams at Liberace during a fight about another "young boy" Liberace may or not be sleeping with.
Rob Lowe plays a Doctor, creepy yet fun at the same time. He is part of this club but it takes time as a viewer when you first seem him onscreen. It's very creepy in a way I haven't seen before. Dan Aykrod is Dan Aykroyd and that not bad. I thought he was perfect for his role as was Scott Bakula and Debbie Reynolds.
Liberace himself is the reason I love this film. Michael Douglas give one of his best, if not his best performance. He kills it with such ease. The look and voice just worked so well, that I could without a doubt, believe him as Lee. I'm amazed by Douglas's career as I write this. I've never not like him in a role and he always brings something that makes watching movies so damn fun. I'm always taken away by how far he jumped over his father in the art of acting, not to say Kirt isn't good, he's damn good but he just seems to be a whole different Douglas and I love that. I hate not seeing him in more films and it seems that will be changing soon. I have a feeling we will be talking about Reykjavik where he plays Ronald Reagan, with Christoph Waltz (who we all love here at SR) and Frank Langella whose not playing Nixon and yet I believe the whole time I'll be thinking of that.
Soderbergh did a good job with this one, he makes up for The Girlfriend Experience which I have a ton of issues with. He says this is his last film, thou he has said that more times then I can count with my hands. But if this is really the last one, then I'm glad he's going out like this!